Renegade Marine Chapter

Renegade Marine Chapter

Renegade Space Marines are Space Marines who have turned their back on the Imperium but have yet to fall to the taint of Chaos, differentiating them from Chaos Space Marines. Desertion amongst the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes is extremely uncommon. However when a Space Marine Chapter is overstretched, it is impossible for Chaplains to monitor every battle-brother. Isolated, Space Marines on extended duties can become divorced from the Chapter's teachings and feel their skills are wasted or their dedication overlooked. Growing thoughts of doubt manifest, and without reassurance from Chaplains or comradely from his battle-brothers, a Space Marine might then decide he has sacrificed enough for Mankind and turn to more selfish goals. Freed from the dogma and traditions of their Chapter,Renegade Space Marines fully indulge in their superhuman abilities and warrior minds and are capable of great mayhem.